We headed south to Elrunda and did a quick overnight at the road house which is at the junction of the Sturt and lassiter Hwys and from there we have made our way to Urulu. Today (Sat.) we spent climbing the Olga's which are truly spectacular. Our first walk was the Valley of the winds which winds it's way through the peaks and across a big valley and then back up into the peaks. The colour is wonderful and the rock will have to be dam good to beat this, but that is tomorrows challenge. All going well we will leave here on Monday and head around to Kings Canyon for a couple of days hiking there.
The resort here at Urulu has really grown since we were here in the early 80's. It now has four hotels, a backpackers lodge, convention centre, shopping centre, service station and a pub which is licensed until 2am as we found out last night. With 1200 staff and heaven knows how many guest this is bigger than most towns in NT. We managed to fluke the weekend changeover for the school holidays with Vic/SA going back on Monday and NSW starting on Monday so this weekend is sort of quiet, but it must be a mad house in peak times.
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