Thursday, October 8, 2009

Kings is King

We have just arrived back at Erldunda after a great 3 nights at Kings Canyon. We have been blessed with the weather, which for our walk was 27 with a slight breeze. The rim walk is 7klms and starts out with a 300 meter climb up to the rim and then the most amazing walk around "Bungle Bungle" type rock formations, gorges, gullies, waterholes and some incredible lookouts. Our time at the caravan park was lots of fun as well, with new friends from Qld, WA, NSW and UK all helping to make the stay a lot of fun. Tomorrow we head south to Marla (WHERE) which will mean we cross the border into SA, so they had better get their weather together down there as we still don't do COLD. LOL


Hans said...

What a great pic and it tells a story. There is Ron, carrying your beer up the hill plus most probably a 5 course meal. AND it must be very heavy as he needs a walking stick to stay upright, and look at his poor legs they start to bend. No wonder you have such a big smile on your face and Ron looks like somebody on a funeral LOL LOL Just wonder if they are going to change the name from Kings Canyon to Queens Canyon after you where there. By the way, Roli had his first Aussi burger at Erldunda and what a mess he made LOL

DA said...

somehow I have trouble seeing Roli and a hamburger at Erldunda LOL

Hans said...
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Hans said...

The place must have gone big over the years, we had a look at it over Google maps and the first thing Roli said was " thats the place where I eat the first Aussi Hamburger with the lot" well, I would not call it eating, hi had it all over the place as his short fingers did not manage to hold the lot LOL and I for myself could not resist to tell everybody that this is his first. And of course everybody watched how he would mange LOL