Sunday, September 6, 2009

Which way to go ???
This was taken at Mt Isa so we have moved on since then. We have left TennAnt Creek (Di is now correcting me on my spelling) yesterday and wandered up he highway to Daley Waters Hotel for the night. Again the food here was fantastic and the wine selection amazing for out here. We got to compliment he who buys the wine and we found we had a lot in common, both reds and Whites LOL.
Heading on to Katherine today. Weather is getting very murky, very humid and hot. Not attractive, the wet is on the way.


Hans said...

Just have send you the application form for willing workers at the Daley Waters Hotel. Let us know when you start as a chef there and I organize a trip there for a Baramundi dinner in the salt water pool.
PS. Roli is beer drinker, I go for a red wine, and Bruce camomile tea

BJP said...

Hang on. Dont tie me into this. If I could organise another break away from my life, south west of nowhere in the northern territory in the wet season is not high on my list.

DA said...

Sorry boys but we are waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay to ol' for that gig. Everyone is 25 - 30 and there are some good looks. Oh and the wine is great.