We finally left Mataranka and the glass covered environment and headed on back down the highway to Tennant Creek to stock up on some supplies for the next couple of days. We did a quick overnighter at Banka Banka Station which was an absolute delight. This "small" station covers 3,500,000 acres and has three stations each forty miles apart. Banka is on the middle station. Lawn camping area with fresh spring water and as much as you want. In the old mud brick house they have a bar so sitting out on the veranda at 5pm meeting the other overnighters was lots of fun.
From there we headed into Tennant Creek and by now you will know what we think of this town. Never to be outdone Tennant came up with another first. Ron went to the supermarket to get some veg and things and approached a black girl at the checkout for service. He was handing her each item when she enquired "What is this?" and to Ron's astonishment she pointed at a lettuce. What have these poor kids been eating all their life ?????
Fully supplied we set off again for the Devils Marbles, which you can see from the bottom and middle pics. The photos don't do it justice. A wonderful place for a quick overnight stay with a couple of great walks. On one of the walks we ran into a car full of aborigines just as we were about to start walking around a particular pile of very large rocks. They called out to us that we needed to pay respect to the evil spirit by breaking off a branch of a nearby tree and walking around one of the rocks, finally offering the branch to the spirits by leaving it under the rock. Luckily we had read up on some of the folklore from these parts and were aware that the locals still believe in the evil spirits that haunt the rocks, so we made our peace with the spirits and everyone was happy.
This morning we continued on from the Marbles down to Wycliffe Wells the UFO capital of Oz and you can see from pic 3 we got right into the swing of things. Finally we arrived here at Ti Tree, pop. 153, one pub, one store, one servo and the caravan park and its all in one building LOL.
Pink and Blue. Gorgeous. (Get the hell to some civilisation before the urge to do this sort of thing becomes permanent!!!!!!!)
It reminds on the movie, " The devil wears Prada" it`s surprising they didn`t ask you for the part instead of Merilin Streep LOL
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