Yesterday was the walking day, first off we found that there was no laundry within 15 blocks of our hotel and that the cost of lugging dirty washing half way across town was not worth it, so it was off to the nearest department store "La baile" and into the mens department. Isn't it strange how these places feel just like Myer. Lots of middle aged women in black pretending to be busy, totally ignoring customers, hmmmmm must be something in the cosmetic counters on the ground floor that does this. Anyway, found the jock department and bought some new ones to replace the old ones as it is cheaper than laundry at the hotel.
Climbed to Chalet du Mont Royal which is an old volcano on the edge of town and has a great view over Montreal.
As you can see it is above the bloody buildings downtown and by the time we got up and down we were totally stuffed. But that said, we found places that we would never had seen on a planned tour.
Of course now that we are "Eco Warriors" from Sunrise we had to check out the local animals, or what is left of them and these little fellas provided us with a good show of mating in the park.
Strange that apart from the drunks, weirdos, cyclists and tourist there were no other animals.
Today was "museum" day and off we went to the archeology museum of Montreal, which was really good. They are digging up one of the main streets in old Montreal to discover what they had been trying to hide for the last 200 years !!!!!! anyway it was good and will be finished in 2017 so don't rush down to see it LOL. From there it was off to the tower overlooking the waterfront.
In terms of beautiful gardens around the world this doesn't rate, BUT given that it is frozen for 6 months of the year and recreated every summer then they have done a great job. The architecture around old Montreal is really beautiful.
As you would expect very French, but with lots of modern touches.
The narrow cobbled streets are filled with galleries, cafes and bars so there is no excuse for not enjoying a wander around.
The other side of the city is modern Montreal, starting with the art at our hotel. This amazing sculpture is in the foyer, just waiting to greet you every morning after a big night out LOL, Actually he is about the colour of my eyes this morning.
The Biosphere which looks totally science fiction was actually created back in the dim dark ages of the 20th century but still looks very impressive. I think it was done for the Expo in 1967 but not totally sure.
Lastly for this update and I know I have been going on and on, but this is it for Montreal. There is the totally tacky and this one is for Mark and Carolyn, you're never toooooo far away for a "Lark " to appear.
See you in Quebec (unless something really interesting happens tomorrow).
Those squirrels are lucky to be there, even if they do have to sleep in a freezer for half the year. I can imagine them here coming in two different forms..... steamed or fried.
Mating in the park, and that in broad daylight ???? Well the world has changed since I was jung a short while ago LOL LOL LOL
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