You can buy anything in this deli and so far we have attacked it three days running and only venture out for greens - even has wine.
But, now that the house is in order it's back to today. Wandering around this town is a bit like walking through a fairy tale (and dont anyone touch that ) with lots and lots of towers, clock towers, bell towers and houses that you just expect a cookcoo to come popping out of LOL. Almost every house and building has a garden in flower and while I know it's just turned into autumn the amount of colour in window boxes is astonishing.
This morning we headed off to the lanes in the older part of the city and wandered all over. Lots and lots of beautiful boutiques, restaurants and galleries. Very easy to spend a lot of money here.
The waterfront is spectacular. You are surrounded by these amazing buildings, restaurants, churches, towers etc etc etc and everything is clean and tidy. The people are very friendly and very very curious when they find out we're aussies LOL. A G'day or two never goes astray.
Bridges cross over across the aqua green glacial waters coming out of or into Lake Zurich. People were swimming in there today, hmmmmmmmmm tad cold for this little queenslander LOL.
Hans reliably informs me that this was Zurich's first ever office block. Why cant they still build like this instead of those boring glass towers that we seem to keep throwing up all over.
The only thing that really annoys here is the smoking. I guess we have become so acclimatised in Oz about where and when you can smoke that it comes as quiet a shock to find thousands of people still lighting up in or very close to food, really puts a downer on a good meal.
Hans a question about the eggs
Haven't been able to work that one out - green, red, orange, blue purple etc etc etc
Florence tomorrow
About the eggs, the cheapest are imported from countries that don`t have any animal rights, like we had years ago. Remember when we had no rights ?? They are kept in small cages by the hundreds, then you have eggs in the middle price class, they are chickens that can go to out but receive special food, call it Viagra for big eggs. At last you have the expensive ones, those eggs are from chickens that can wander around the park without going to the butcher, have natural food without Viagra. You can call them fairy. You and me know all about that, don`t we LOL LOL
And the pink eggs are from the chooks that live in little houses with pretty curtains, have classical music piped in all day, are fed special grain with foi gras flavouring, have their claws polished daily. These are the most expensive and rarest of all because, with everything else in place, who could be bothered grunting out an egg half as big as you are!
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