Tuesday, November 9, 2010

It's a family Garden

The last 24 hours has been rain and more and more rain and it is coming in "dump" mode LOL. This morning at breakfast the rain eased off and 3 pretty faced wallabies came into the garden for their breakfast. They stuck around for most of the morning and then another dump occurred and they took off for dryer places.

Just before lunch we were out in the garden and the resident roos dropped in for their lunch nibble and we got our first sight of a new member. We had suspected that the little family group was expanding and today we got the proof. As you can see it was two for lunch.

but eventually the temptation two explore the surrounds won out and out popped joey.

But like any self respecting joey the adventure of romping through wet grass didn't appeal and back into the pouch it went.


Hans said...

On the second photo the expression on the face of little
joey says it all. when it saw you " AND WHATS THIS ???" and there is only one thing to do, take cover. LOL

DA said...

you may be very right LOL