Sunday, July 18, 2010

Yep, we have left Gladstone

Yesterday we made the big journey down the road to Agnes Waters, just up the road from 1770 and we are back on the coast. As you can see the rugrats are all back at school and the coast has been returned to the nomads and Mexicans LOL. The parks are still packed with nomads etc that have reappeared after hiding for the last month LOL.

We are about to become a totally Mac family (it has only taken 15 years), Ivan Ipad is firmly gripped in his lordships hands and Johnathon (as in apple) my new Mac pro is about to arrive in Bundy for moi. So, if I mysteriously go off air for a couple of days it's because I am changing everything over from the HP.

In Emerald when I was pricing Mac's I did ask a salesgirl at a computer shop if they sold Apple and she sent me to the vegie shop !!!!!!!!!!!! You have just gotta love country Queensland, one day it will get electricity and then someone can turn the lights on LOL (Sorry all you banana benders), but still no daylight saving up here as the curtains fade more and the cows can't cope !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and we are moving up here LOL LOL LOL


Hans said...

You just have to admire the salesgirl at the computer shop. It only took her a few seconds, and she knew that the customer DA is better off with cucumbers, carrots, bananas, and may be lettuce, pears, parsley, tomatoes etc. etc. then with a high technical lap top LOL LOL LOL Welcome to the Mac world

DA said...

This will be my third mac but when we went into the pub someone who shall remain nameless insisted that it was a PC world, now if I tried to pry ipad out of his hands he would go into a fit and require major medical assistance. addiction is a wonderful thing LOL but being able to say "I told you so" is even better LOL LOL