Thursday, February 4, 2010

What to do when the weather turns

We arrived at Huskisson on Tuesday and bought the rain and wind with us. Although that dam cyclone up north might have had a weeeee bit to do with it. So far we have had torrential rain and gale force winds blasting poor wounded Miss G. The nieghbours got totally drowned overnight and we woke to them pulling out their beds and linen totally sodden.  Last night we had dinner with Ron's sister at Seagrass and a good night was had by all. We headed up the highway to Nowra yesterday to see about our hitch which had become a bit wobbly and we needed to find out if it was dangerous and the answer was yes. So we left it with them and headed off to the local art shop for some supplies.

The problem of where we go from here has been sorted. We have managed to get into a park just out of town on the banks of a river and the site we have is right on the banks so with luck and a change of weather there should be some good pics over the next couple of days. The park also has a boat ramp so Ron can get D'luded into the river without me - bliss.

1 comment:

Hans said...

With all the rain you bring were ever go, you can name yourself "The Weather Girls" and get money from the council for ending the drought LOL