Wednesday, July 29, 2009

It's rare and endangered but
nothing will save this pesky cassowary LOL. Ellis Beach has been interesting. Since the Lyns arrived the weather has really and I mean REALLY taken a turn for the worst and I dont think they are very impressed. Sunday was overcast and drizzled a little, Monday was ok, not hot hot but 29 and good for a swim, yesterday was AWFUL windy, wet and cold. Last night was just stormy all night with the trees throwing branches at Miss G and this morning looks like more of the same. We have decided to head for the hills and try to find somewhere nice for a slow relaxed lunch, update you tomorrow.


BJP said...

What a pity. 31 and sunny in Sandakan. (we won't mention the 90% humidity).

DA said...

Hmmmmmmmmmm overcast and rainy in Port Douglas but still 29 every day LOL. Been out house hunting today

Hans said...

It would be very interesting to know, what your hunting ??????