How Embarrassing
Now before I get into the nitty gritty of our stuff up, here's the latest on what and where. Monday we decided to take D'luded for a swim in Fanny Bay and as you would expect I was a tad nervous about salties etc as we sit on top not in, but my reservations all sailed (pun intended) out the window when we sailed into to a herd of Dugongs and dolphins. Amazing, not quiet along side but close enough to get a really good look. We stayed out there for almost three hours - no crocs. Tuesday was "NT Day" the only day of the year when every hoon can legally buy fireworks and they did. From sun down until midnight the sky was ablaze, as one stage I thought we were at war and it was a night time attack. Rockets everywhere.
Now THAT moment. Well you know how we had complained that the fridge had not been fixed while we were in Melbourne and the only reason we were stuck in this god forsaken place was the fridge, well off we went to the repairer Wednesday morning (at 7am). So picture it, we had to apologise to all the neighbours the day before about the early start and then pack up Miss G in the dark trying not to wake the world - Failed. Well we arrive at the repairers and set her up again (as that's the only way you can get in) to gain access to the fridge inners. After taking off the exhaust and lots of screws, nuts and thingys (tech term) the repairer looked at the power switch !!!!!!!!!!!!! WHY O WHY WOULD ANYONE CHECK TO SEE IF THE POWER IS TURNED ON. Yep we had accidently knocked the on/off power switch in the cupboard and there was nothing wrong with the fridge. At least the exhaust is now clean. LOL We fled town asap.
To the Queens of the desert,
now my dear, don`t panic, things like that will happen at your age. Just pretend that this is normal and you get away with murder
on the other hand you could get rich, very rich. Do it the american way and take the silly idiot to court who installed a switch for the fridge. The argument is, you cant drink your favourite beer anymore after you where forced to drink a warm one, and that`s a enormous loss of quality for your lifestyle. And when you go to court, dress up properly, your leather gear plus the red high heels
Oh. Dear.
" OH. MY. GOD. " (Even though there OBVIOUSLY isn't one!!!)
Just remember floating on the water with Dugongs, Dolphins and pyrotechnics. It will all go away then.
You Dags...
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