Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Last day in Quebec

Good afternoon from a lovely sunny Quebec. Well the last day dawned with brilliant sunshine so we took off straight away for the fort. It was started by the French but then the English interrupted and took over and finally finished it in the mid 1700's. It is still used today as barracks for the 22ns battalion or some such thing, anyway men in uniform wander around. LOL I did take some pics but it is lots of stone walls with very old cannons sticking through gaps - not very picturesque.

The streets started to come alive last night as the rain finally stopped and I don't know where everyone was but all of a sudden thousands were out and about, with queues at most restaurants. The pic above is one of our favourite streets, very narrow, cobble stones and very very old.

Unfortunately there is not much about the original inhabitants of the area. No museum dedicated to them just bits and pieces every now and then in general museums. However we did find this amazing bronze statue of a family group just outside the parliament.

Today also meant we needed to do some shopping so it was on a bus and off to some smart shopping centre out in the burbs. Found the Apple store and picked up a new mouse, then off to Bailes again from more jocks and Rom picked up a new pair of shorts and some kitchen gadgets.

Off to New York tomorrow so will blog you then.

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