Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Where else but Queensland

Perfect one day and ---- the next LOL. Well we were warned about the fickle weather at this time of the year and it is living up to its reputation LOL. Di blames me totally and says that until we moved up here Qld was always perfect -HMMMMMMMMMMMM

Pretty ordinary day today so got some painting done on the new one which is currently called "My Rock" and represents Ron in rock, well sort of : - )

Last night Mark and Caroline came to dinner and it was their first anniversary of being in Agnes, so they arrived with a bottle of Verve and one of Grange, what a way to celebrate LOL. Many drinks later and one of Ron's great Banana and Passion fruit souffle's we all called it quits and went our merry merry ways LOL.


BJP said...

Where's my banana and passionfruit souffle? It would travel well wouldn't it?? Cook it, wrap it in Glad Wrap, and sent it to Phuket via courier.............

DA said...

Hmmm might just loose the pips but the banana would be very ripe LOL