Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Only a mother could love this one

Our collection of exotic creatures continues to grow daily with new discoveries under every bush LOL. We have just had three days of rain and that has bought a whole new mix of critters around seeking high ground and even though we welcome visitors warmly, there are limits LOL.

We are off to Melbourne on the weekend and it will be great to catch up with everyone for xmas.  Stay tuned for the next trip which kicks off on the 8th with the cruise around the "Land of the long white cloud" so lots of pics and hopefully daily updates again.

1 comment:

Hans said...

What a fantastic beetle that one is. Have you got a idea what it is ? Tried to find it over Wikipedia, and it comes close to a Rhino Beetle but the horn is bend the wrong way I think. No, not what you think LOL LOL Have fun in Melbourne and on your cruise around the land of "gum boots" LOL LOL
Just started to put Spitsbergen in my blog, thought as it is winter time here, I just as well turn my blog towards the north.