Monday, October 11, 2010

Good morning from the not so sunny central coast. I suppose by now most of you know that south east Qld has been getting hammered by rain and severe storms which have caused flooding and landslides around the sunshine coast. Well the good news is we have missed most of it and only in the last 24 hours have we had any rain and then not much, but the winds !!!!!!!!!!! they get your attention.

On the critter front things keep getting more and more interesting. Last night was our first green frog (very cute), several lace monitors and Ron saw his first giant frill neck lizard. I also staggered onto the world's biggest spider as I was crossing from one house to the other the other night. He would have been about 10 - 12 inches across and I am not sure who got the biggest fright LOL. If you know how I get on with spiders you will surprised that I am still alive LOL.

Almost all of the little annoying things have now been fixed, we have a washing machine with an on/off button that works, a dish washer that has an on switch, solar panels that are finally pumping back into the grid, flood lights on the pool deck and the decks have all been oiled. Ron and I have also stained the outside furniture and it all looks great.

The garden is coming along heaps and bounds. So far 24 grevillea (yellow, pink and red), several banksia, ferns, local grasses, a couple of tiny Blackboys and now some orchids have all been planted. The herb garden on the other hand has been decimated by the local bush turkeys, bloody things.

Our resident kookaburras are expecting and are very happy to let the world know at 4.30am each day how the long awaited hatching is going LOL.


BJP said...

Forget the on/off switch on the washing machine, you need to get the on/off switch on nature fixed. Kookaburras at 4:30am is simply unacceptable. Clearly you need to join the body corporate and kick them into action. :-)

DA said...

oh I am just getting them trained up for xmas/new year celebrations LOL

BJP said...

I expect my room to be soundproofed.