Monday, September 6, 2010

It's raining on our backyard

Good morning from a wet and soggy Agnes. Although from what I hear we are getting a much better time than the rest of the east coast. It appears that there are very bad storms happening all over the place.

Ron has a new Chainsaw and you can see in the middle of this pic some of his handy work. I did mention that we bought this place because of the great bush surroundings LOL. Actually he is doing a great tidy up of old trees and things that just don't look right. I am working on a new painting and I will give you a peek but standby for something very different - political and religious, definitely a move away from the usual Whiteman dreaming themes.

Hans I think you will love this one LOL


Hans said...
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Hans said...

Yes I do LOL And let me guess what it is, its a shaved body part with a tattoo and not from a female and the painting is upside down. Am I right ????

BJP said...

The rain in central Victoria has been a little extreme. I have been packing up my fins and snorkles as a possible care package for Jenny if the water gets any higher.