Ebaying to death
The selling has begun and I have spent the last two days madly loading up my ebay account with "Rare and Collectible", "Once in a lifetime" and "Vintage Antiques" all over the place LOL.
Truly there is alot of good stuff up and so far the reaction has been really good. The funniest thing up so far is a complete Library. I tried to sell off all our books to the second hand book shops but couldn't find anyone that was interested in buying 700 odd books. So up on ebay it went complete with the Book shelves, so someone is going to buy a complete library and the interest has been great so far.
How about the oak barrel with your port vine ? You should keep it, but wheels on it, hang it on the caravan and towed around with you. Never know when you are in a emergency LOL LOL LOL
I am struggling with "Vintage Antiques". Is that when you buy a new antique and then wait till it gets old?????
By the way..... Regarding the new picture for Hans......
1 : Good idea to move away from the close up.
2 : That bulk in a hammock is a disaster waiting to happen.
I can smell jealous Bruce, must be my broad shoulders, flat tummy, and stunning good looks with all my teeth in the mouth and not in the box for ultrasound cleaning. Just wait till I put on my steel enforced red, high heels and the self made hut with daffodils and easter bunny LOL
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