Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Ron's Rock

Hello from Broken Hill. We finally decided that we couldn't stand the wind and cold any longer and left Petersborough yesterday. The trip was a bit wild with strong winds particularly the last 50 - 70 klms through the open plains. Lots of dust in the air but the weather slowly got warmer the further we went.

Ron's Rock finally arrived and is very impressive, definitely the best stone we have found so far. It is approximately 3.3 cts and 10.8ml long by 5.4 wide and when in the sun is dazzling.

Broken Hill seems to be loaded with art. Gallery's everywhere so I will be in seventh heaven while he will grin and bare it, or just send me on my way while he goes to the supermarket LOL.


BJP said...

I'm suprised that you have'nt demanded Ron gets it surrounded by a collection of matching pink diamonds and set into a nice tiara (tastefully under stated of course). The start of the "New Crown Jewels" collection.

Hans said...

On Saturday we are off to Jordan, that means you have 3 weeks peace on your blog. I send you the blog address by E-Mail, if I ever get it working LOL

DA said...

Bruce my "Buy" finger has been working on some champagne diamonds so watch this space LOL

Hans and Roli have a great trip and chat to you soon