We met up with Krys of the Savannah yesterday and of course Ron just couldn't resist the temptation to do a dental check. We are reliably informed that this is a true model of the crock that Pam someone or other shot back in 1953. His name was Krys of the savannah and was 28 feet long - that's a big dam croc, apparently the largest croc ever recorded.
Yesterday we went off to Karumba for the day and lasted an hour, why or why is it even there ?????? it makes Normanton look positively civilized LOL. Although it is a haven for "GT's" (Geriatrics with Tinnies) keeps them out of the rest of the country.
Description of a GT:
- Someone who wakes up at 4am
- Someone that wakes everyone else up at 4.05am
- Someone that starts the diesel up half an hour before travelling just to make sure the heavy sleepers are well awake.
- Someone that refuses to oil the winch on the boat trailer so that each turn of the handle makes an agonising screech.
- Someone that always checks their outboard motor before leaving the park (usually between 4.30 -5am)
- Someone whose conversation is always starting with "What do you use as bait ?"
- Someone who washes only on days when the catch will feed the entire family
- Someone who arrives back from an exciting days fishing around 11am, just as you are nodding off to catch up on the sleep you lost overnight.
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