Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Now the plan was ................................
To wake up to the sun shining, the birds doing their thing and then we would wander up the coast to South West Rocks and get some sun etc but as you can see the reality was a tad different. The rain almost stopped yesterday and things started to dry out again. The awning area was dry and I even pulled the chairs and table out. BUT overnight while we slept (or tried to) down it came and that together with a high tide meant that no water was leaving the park and you can see the result. So, amended plans, staying another couple of days to wait for everything to get back to normal (or our version of it)and then off to Coffs.

1 comment:

Hans said...

That`s what I call, being civilised, you just throw the net out of the kitchen window, pull it right back in and the catch lands right in your pan