Monday, May 19, 2008

But before I get to that, here is the latest painting called "Reborn". hope ya like it.
Tragedy, the herb garden is GONE. After four months of faithful service we crossed the Queensland/Northern Territory border today and they have a quarantine "NO PLANTS"
So, there is a very lucky lady in a bus who now has a very healthy herb garden. I think she thought we were mad when all of a sudden we pulled up next to her, Ron stuck his head out the window and yelled "Want a herb garden?" you know it's not the thing that happens every day LOL. We have arrived in the "Welfare Capital of Australia" Tennant Creek.
Tomorrow is my birthday and we are off to Daleys Creek which is another 500kms up the road and I am reliably informed that Ron is taking me to the most expensive place in town, and I know it happens to be at the pub as it's the ONLY place in town. I'm taking bets that there is no Pinot Gris on the wine list. Any takers ????


Hans said...

Happy birthday to you and welcome on the dark side of the moon. Tennant creek ? just go for the hamburger with the lot !!!!

DA said...

good morning from Tennant Creek the motor home effluent dump point of australia LOL as says their own publicity blurb

BJP said...

Special birthday dinner......I can see the Chicken Parma from here.

DA said...

Steak parma was last night LOL