Sunday, January 16, 2011

Not everyone thinks the big rains were a bad thing

This amorous coule are taking advantage of the time of plenty and getting into the swing of the season LOL. She would be about 40cm long and poor ol' him is only about 10cm. Talk about cougars LOL.

a little further down the track was this very very healthy looking "Lace Monitor". He/she would be 6 ft in length and looking very fat. Obviously there is alot of food around at the moment.

Even the trees are getting into the swing of the big wet. Our trees have grown heaps and bounds in the last couple of weeks. The grevillias are going crazy and as you can see the beautiful Bloodwoods are springing into flower and the birds think it's christmas all over again. The black cockies haven't shown up yet but I am sure they won't be far away.

Not everything is happy though. The ocean is a dirty brown with all the fresh water pouring into it. There are piles of driftwood coming up on the beaches after having been washed down the rivers and out to sea.

We have been told that the brown stain goes all the way to the reef, 40klms away.

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