Sunday, May 18, 2008

Lawn Hill National Park
We have just returned to civilization after 4 days at Lawn Hill which has been wonderful. The gorge goes for approximately 4 klms so we kayaked up and down for two days spotting crocs, turtles and lots of fish. Ron tried his hand at fishing and ended up catching two turtles, who promptly bit him as punishment. Yesterday we hiked the gorge which was about 8klms up and down the surrounding cliffs unfortunately I have had a problem with the memory card and lost all the pics. Tomorrow Northern Territory.


Hans said...

Well well well, you loos all the pics and then blame the camera. Shame on you !!!!!!!!!!!
By the way, Roli still cant believe that you walked 8 kilometre, as you used to take a taxi for the 500 meters to go to club 80 with the excuse, "I`m no mountain coat"

BJP said...

At least he climbed all those stairs when he got there. I think Hans used to hire a brace of Nubians to carry him to his favourite cubicle.