Monday, February 16, 2015

we have arrived

Good afternoon, it appears that google plus crappy internet connection is going to restrict getting pic up to the blog so it will have to b by discription.

The trip up was pretty uneventful. Cattle class was not as bad as it can be and generally Singapore airlines took good care of us. Bris to singapore was pretty full, but the stop over in Changi went very quickly with a shower and a quick trip to the all you can eat and drink SATS lounge.

Back is being difficult, not at all happy about the long drive followed by the flights. Ron managed to break his glasses somehow so today as planned we opted out of the organised tour and headed off to find optician repairs that can happen instantly plus some general looking around.

Saigon has changed a lot since the early 2000's City centre is looking a bit like Singapore, very clean and modern and every name storis here.

Lunch today was tempura oysters with wasabi Mayo and a banana peach honey and green tea smoothie - YUM.

Tomorrow the river

By the way we have only seen 6 of our fellow travellers so far and we are by FAR the youngest lol

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Kuala Lumper

Good evening from KL. We arrived last night and I suspect my vodaphone account in India did a major spasm and used all my credits roaming so now I am back to hotel wi fi so no pics etc its all tooooooo dam hard. This morning we set out on foot to re establish ourselves after 27 years away and boy hasn't this city grown up. It is such a great change to be somewhere where the traffic stays in lanes and the cattle are in paddocks lol. We hit the street food vendors late last night so today we checked out some more tasty feasts downtown and were blown away with the variety and quality of what was on offer.

After returning to the hotel this afternoon I headed for the sky pool 31st floor with horizon pool to coooool off and met a nice couple from Canberra ( yes there are some nice people there) .

Have to say a BIG hello to the English couple we bumped into a couple of times in India as they r watching the blog and threatening to come visit oz, I did tell them that we already had enough short fat poms and they can take there cricket and stick it where the sun don't shine lol until we get the ashes back and then we will be on speaking terms gain.

Spent way tooooo much, missing Sunrise so time to come home, see you all soon.

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Were a happy team at Hawthorn

YES YES YES Premiers for 2013

Well down to the boys at Hawthorn for a thrilling match and the wonderful victory. This will make the second time in 3 years that i have had to watch/listen to the game while out of the country so next year we will definitely be home for the back to back championship lol.
Now back to the trip.........................
We arrived at udipur on Friday after a grueling, terrifying, spooky and sometimes down right dangerous drive from Jodphur which took 6 and a half hours. Mr Singh our sterling driver also known as he that has 48 eyes that cover every possible direction at the same time, delivered us safe and sound and we thank him. Ron also drove all the way and was equally exhausted from braking, steering, screaming and jumping over cows, dogs, camels, Tok toks, bikes and every other conceivable obstacle from the back seat lol.
We arrived at the Lake Palace, yes AGOP (another grotty old palace) this one they couldn't even build it on a solid piece of ground they had to shove it out into the middle of a lake.
Beautiful, well that is the understatement of the century, it was enchanting from the moment we set foot in it until we hit our room lol. Seriously anything after the deco extravaganza of the Umaid Bawan was going to pale into insignificance when it came to rooms lol.
The palace was the watery overnighter for the local ruler so was more akin to a ship than a royal palace, the rooms were on the smallish size but our marble balcony which was larger than our room had breathtaking views to the mountains on the sunset side.

This was the view back into the palace from our balcony, beautiful courtyards linking pools, gardens, and exquisite little galleries.

Unfortunately yesterday was a wet one and the first for the trip so we spent most of the time at the main city palace, very very large with lots of mirrors and crystal, most of the good stuff we were not allowed take pics of so you will have to put up with the spurting elephant from one of the gardens. I must plead guilty to doing a four hour tour of the palace with my headphones in one ear so I could listen to the game, BUT I did explain to our guide why and he also had his team playing an important game so fully understood. You want more then come visit at Sunrise.
Back in Delhi today and getting ready for KL tomorrow. Of course Ron has now recovered from his long drive and was able to cross the road and go to the Kwan market for some last minute retail therapy.

 They did assure me this was the "Up Market market" lol oh well we had fun and got some new clothes to boot.

KL tomorrow


Thursday, September 26, 2013

Bruce made a comment on yesterdays entry about the 200 million starving and the rich building palaces, the truth with this one is that there was a massive famine in the 1930's and early 40's and the ruling family built the palace, government buildings, schools etc as a means of employing the locals so that they could have money to buy food, so while they got the benefits it was built for a good cause.

Jodphur day 2

Last night we dined on the steps leading into the garden and the food was the best so far, so we will be back there tonight. I started off with a tomato, chili and coriander and Ron had a roasted sweet corn and chili and both were amazing so we are swapping tonight lol. They presented us with the most amazing aperitif and I have no idea what was in it but it zinged around the mouth with lots of flavours.
I took this photo just before the meal arrived, you can see Ron just next to the second column on the right, see he's waving lol.

We tried a curried cheese dish and a chicken curry and both were great, can't wait for tonights delights.

Lunch today started with some dinner guests that dropped in for a quick chat. Table manners left a bit to be desired after all the melon was mine to start with lol.

After dinner we went on an exploration of the palace, just opening doors and seeing where they lead. The place is awesome, everywhere you turned there was another great deco feature, sculpture or trophy from the ruling family's hunting days.

Today Mr. Singh and our local guide took us to the fort and the old seat of the ruling family. Built in 1500ish and has only been conquered twice by the moguls, but neither time did they plunder or damage the buildings. More pics of that when we get home.

We did make the "must have" purchase which we try to do each trip. Something special that will always remind us of where we have been and mostly it's a piece of art.

This one was done 35 years ago and the artist is now unable to paint as his sight has deteriorated so much that he can no longer do the fine work. The style is very much associated with Jodhpur and we actually bought the work from the museum and the descendants of the original artists who did this style of work. Hope you like it, it's quite small and the detail is amazing.

Tomorrow, it's Unipur and the Lake Palace, see you then.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Palace Hopping

Well good afternoon and welcome to amazing palace no 2. But, before we do that I have found a palace with a mac and can now get my pics so here's another Taj at dawn.

Without doubt a truly inspiring sight even at that ridiculous time of the day lol

The last two nights were at Jaipur and we stayed at the Rambagh Palace. I think I mention that yesterday and it lived up to all expectations. We dined in the Main restaurant that was a royal occasion

 and had some astonishing Indian meals, so last night we needed a reality check and taught them how to make a good Aussie Pizza, almost one with the lot and they assured me that it would be on the menu at the next review.

Breakfast this morning before heading off on the 6 hour drive to Jodphur and the Umaid Palace was going splendidly until the staff decided that it would be a good idea to continue on as we had most of our stay there................

out came the champagne and even we couldn't come at sparkling at 8am lol.

We finally arrived here and entered the most incredible place yet. Built in 1943 and looks like a train crash between Indian decor and Art Deco. By that I mean it's absolutely breath taking. HUGE second only to Buck house in size and very easy to get lost in lol. I would love to show you pics of the lobby but it's just toooooo dam big and I can't do it justice and the same goes with the palace itself. I cant get anywhere that is far enough away to get it all in, so I guess this one is going to be the book from the souvenir show. But to wet you appetite here are a couple of pics of our room. Di you have to book mark this place lol.

I would love to say this is your ordinary hotel bath but you can see its much much more. Behind this amazing bath is the walk through shower and yes its all marble and chrome as well. On either side are very large dressing areas all in complementary marble and deco style.

I'd kill for the bed. Its local wood and massive. Curved bedhead, round side tables, beautiful deco lamps, lounge area at the far end, office in the middle and dining room through the end doorway. The bathroom is to the right and the walk in robes are immediate right. I'm in heaven. Tomorrow forts, palaces and back here to properly explore.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Taj and beyond

I'm sorry I am Sorry I'm having all sorts of trouble getting my Taj mahal picpics through and this infernal windows cra- is really giving me the hebby gebbies but I will try and get something up.

We arrived in Agra after a 3 hour drive from Agra which was pretty uneventful because it was freeway most of the way. Decent roads did disappear about 10klms from town and from that point on Ron was a nervous wreck lol. What's wrong with driving on the wrong side of the road either side of us, plus a million and one scooters, the odd person and lots of cows and camels - hey happens all the time lol.

We checked into the most beautiful hotel and the view from our room was amazing.
We opened the door and wham

There it was in all its glory, simply astonishing.

Of course there are 100s of pics, we went for the first visit that afternoon and then returned at 5.45AM, yes I know we don't do mornings but we were assured that it was worth it and it was, but you will all have to come visit for all those pics lol. There was of course the silly pic -

Yes poor Ron has been given the job of silly pics for some of the trip but I can assure you that if you ever get to see his pics I am featured in equally embarrassing positions.

We then headed for Jaipur which was a 5 hour drive on more challenging roads and our first introduction to real Rajasthan. The "Pink" city is wonderful, there are 11 palaces and 9 forts and the boss man still lives in one of the palaces. We on the other hand have checked into the one he doesn't live in anymore and it is breath takingly beautiful. I,m having trouble with thick castle walls so you will have to wait until next update for palace pics. We did a tour today of the old town which in 9 klms square and very well planned, if you take out 99% of the traffic it would be almost calm lol. Included in todays excursion was the Elephant walk

Queens viewing quarters - Hans no comment lol

and up we go,

 running out of free time more tomorrow.

Taj taj taj

Sorry having trouble with that rubbish that doesn't have an apple on it, did an update yesterday and it cancelled itself out, will try a new update later today.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Delhi in a day

Last night, Friday, as well as being the night that we kicked the curse of Geelong and won our way to the Grand Final "GO HAWKS" was also the night of dinner at "Spice Route" at the amazing Imperial hotel. Really I won't go on about it here as it would take way toooooo lon,g but lets just say the night was wonderful, the art deco hotel amazing and if ever we come back that's where we stay. Here are a few pics to wet your appetite.

Very Chrysler Building lift well, beautiful lighting

Did someone mention a "BAR" we're there lol

Food requires the appropriate setting, this one took 7 years to paint and was amazing, apart from the upper middle class bogan Indians that turned up in headphones and thongs ??????? dddddddddddddddddddrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

I'm not even going to try to explain all the places we went to today, but the best of it was three world heritage sights, the Red fort, pics on application, the Huymans Tomb (I think that's how it's spelt.) which was the original of the Taj Mahal but done in red sandstone and is currently in the process of restoration and when finished in "Indian Time" will be amazing and then the tower. Again lots of pics but viewing on application, you will only get to see the fun bits here lol.

Yes, there was several Mosques and this was by far in the best condition but the Indians are in a program of restoration that will make this a really spectacular place to visit. 

Oh did I mention that there is a whole section of the city "English Section" built in the 1930's and has some of the most amazing deco housing in the world. Most of it is embassies and consular residences, so it's hard to get pics but would rival Frank Lloyd Wright designs if restored.


Friday, September 20, 2013

Namaste from Delhi

After yet another long day involving airports we have finally arrived  -Inda.

We said our farewells to Bruce and headed off onto the MAS flight for KL. What a difference a terminal can make lol, the new terminal at KL is great, lots of modern conveniences and plenty of shopping. Unfortunately Ron was not feeling great when we left Phuket and things just got worse as the day went on with him becoming quite ill on the flight to Delhi, although in his defence he was not the only ill person on board as it was a very rough flight and even the flight attendants went for seats at times.

The hotel is great, sort of old worldy elegant. Huge pool, great cafes, amazing staff and a very good room with a Delhi green view lol, out over the embassies and affluent part of town which is a fab area. Ron has layed low today so I hit the road. First off found a taxi, drivers name is vanti, cute 30ish and very pleasant. He drove me round to cannaught place where I organised a new sim for my phone $15 for 5gig of data and hundreds of rupees of phone calls, Vanti waited for me and then it was off to some speaker shopping and then onto Kwan market and all up I had him for 3 hours and it was the princely sum of $5.

This afternoon hit the pool for an hour for some laps and then it was back to the market this time on foot. I have to say I love Delhi, yes there was a coup,e of times when yuk tuk drivers tried to stop me but overall I felt very safe and free to move around. The market is amazing, first up is dettol hand sanitizer by the bucket lol the food shops leave much to be desire re hygiene but the shops are great and I came home with a Bose Bluetooth speaker for the beach club parties - good sound at last.

Tomorrow the tour proper starts but tonight we are booked into the worlds best Indian restaurant called "spice route" and is at the Imperial hotel which is a famous art deco hotel, more on that and hopefully pics tomorrow.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

India today

Good morning from the last morning in Phuket. In 30 minutes we're off to Monkey for coffee {very good coffee} and then it's off to the post office for Bailey presents to be sent, then the airport to start the first leg to Delhi.

Yesterday we went on the canoe safari to Phang Nga Bay around all the limestone islands. Spectacular scenery and very much like Halong Bay in Vietnam but much much much cleaner lol. We started out at noon and then sailed out to the islands for the first safari through tunnels and into the hollow centre of the island which is filled with a very diverse ecology, including monkeys, water monitors, amazing bird life, orchids, cycads and just about everything else.

Lunch was served on board and there was the odd splattering of loud Americans, a honeymooning couple from Korea, some Japanese and about 10 aussies and yes by the end of the day we were chatting away with the aussies comparing trips etc lol.

The native monkeys have developed a very quick and easy way for a quick crab snack, just stick you fingers into a crack and bingo a crab mouthful.

There was the special floating flower arrangement that was for making a wish and yes we did wish to win the lottery, fly first class in a premium airline and peace on earth, especially sunrise lol.

Todays journey begins at 2pm with a MAS flight back to KL only an hour flight and then make the connection to Delhi. This time we will be in the main terminal so some duty free shopping might be called for lol. Flying cattle class as the flight is under 6 hours {our make or break time} but by the time we get dinner have a drink or two, watch a movie we should be there - let the chaos begin lol.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

A split up day

We decided to go our separate ways with Ron heading off to swing in the trees and unfortunately there are no pics of this momentous event as its hard to take pics and hold on for dear life,  but there is a Go Pro film of all the leaping and flying at the tree tops.

I believe there is something like 14 flying fox stretches ranging in distance from 50 mtrs to several 400 mtrs plus so should be quite spectacular.

Bruce and I headed to the track for some serious Go Karting while not trying to embarrass the renters in the go slow karts toooooo much.

First off the mechanics do their thing and make sure we get out for some fast fast laps. They have a system of dropping us in at the end of renters times so that we usually get the track to ourselves for 10 minutes while the next lot of renters get dressed and instructed.

Taking of advantage of free time, this is me flying around the corner in front of the grandstand, while it was only my second day on the track I did manage some ok times. The best lap time for this cart is 30. something and I managed a 35 so was very happy with result. Look out if we get back I intend to make it a 29 second flat lol. The down side was I have ended up with bruised or cracked rib and my back is decidedly NOT talking to me.

We went out to a great restaurant "9th" which is on the 9th floor of a building in Patong. The food was great and the best pepper steak I've had in years but the vodka ice cream and orange salad soaking in orange liquor made for wobbly boots later that night. Unfortunately the back kicked in and Bruce had to do a run for the car to pick me up and bring me home for drugs lol.

Off on a boat trip today out to the limestone islands this afternoon and then we go back tonight so should be some good pics tomorrow. India tomorrow afternoon.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

A day of travelling around the island

Today we hired Som Chaoi for a day trip around the island. On our previous visit we only did Patong and Raileigh Beach so this time around we checked out the Phuket town, chalong temple, Big Buddha and fine dining on the beach.

Yes another AGOT, the phrase has been rejigged {another grotty old temple} for yet another trip lol. As you can see we got in the swing of praying, donating and generally getting in the way of monks lol.

We arrived at ken feng pier for lunch and were absolutely blown away by the food service and the overall quality of everything to do with the place. Could happily teach everything in QLD how to run a restaurant including Brissy "fine dining". 

We started off with a stroll through the aquarium section {yes fresh fish, hmmmm Tree could learn that it doesn't naturally come out of a packet} we selected two mandrels which were flash fried with shallots and chili, truly amazing. A groper steamed with chili, garlic, shallots with the most amazing sauce and to accompany a crab fried rice - awesome. Last night it was off to a beach café called phens with tables on the beach and more wonderful food, I might never leave. Today Ron is going to be jumping out of trees on a flying fox with stretches of 400mtrs plus and Bruce and I will be racing around the track - check in tomorrow.

Monday, September 16, 2013

and the tales continues ....................

Well Bruce has decided that we should experience some of the local cuisine and the street was the first port of call. Bruce decided on a noodle dish on the left hand side of the road and a deep fired southernish chicken dish on the other. Needless to say that my road crossing abilities are still being refined and had it not been for his quick thinking I would have ended up spread over the front of a moped lol.

I have to say the food was great, but without the local knowledge I would not have ventured out to the street stalls.

Yesterday we headed out for a trip around the countryside off the island and our first port of call was the monkey temple. These little fellas are very friendly, not at all like the ones in China and they just played around at your feet and sometimes on your shoulders in the attempt to get to the bananas and peanuts, but never once did we feel threatened, in fact when you took the men out of the equation the females and babies were great. No wallet pinching, no phone stealing all good fun.

It's mine, no mine

At the same cave complex I came across one of my ancestors having a nap
Last night we went to one of Bruce's favorite restaurants called "Sunrise" how appropriate lol, and the food was amazing. We had a Pineapple and chicken salad, doesn't sound interesting but was great, followed by the chili challenge which was a pork mince and noodle with mega hot chili but was a real taste treat and was not about the heat but how it all worked together. The chef at this restaurant was the chef from Phuket Sheraton and knows his business and one of the most popular dishes was the spag carbonara which was toooooo die for. Ron had the green curry and none of that went back lol. After dinner it was off to Suring Beach for a stroll to walk off some of the calories.
Today we have hired a driver to take us around the island more on that in the morning.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Phuket or bust

Good afternoon from a hot and steamy Phuket. Well to pick up from the trip from hell and back, the flight from Gold Coast to KL went off without a fuss. We didn't expect toooo much from AirAsia and we were not disappointed with the result lol. Yes we had business class reclining seats, yes we were in 1A and B so lots of leg room but that's were things sort of petered out. The plane was dirty, the seats I am sure were recycled from somewhere else and they were the absolute basic in recliners but as it was a day flight and sleeping was not a prerequisite it didn't matter to much.  As soon as the flight left the flight steward came around and enquired about what time we would like lunch and as it was still pre 9am we opted for 11.30 ish and it arrived at 11.45 which was fine. The poor buggers in economy were getting lunch from 9am.  When I booked it said there was a choice of several different meals and that would all happen on board. It was chicken lasagna or chicken lasagna or chicken lasagna, al well travelled as it had made the flight from KL to the Brass Coast and was now feeding us on the return lol.

The 5 hour lay over in KL AirAsia terminal was a challenge. Dirty, crowded, old, smelly, uncomfortable and that was the premium lounge that we paid extra to access, the terminal itself plunged to new lows but in the end we clamored onto the plane and an hour later we had arrived safe and sound.

Bruce was waiting for us so the trip home was quick and painless. Bruce has a great house lots of orchids, a pool and in a quiet neighborhood so a good night sleep was had.

This morning we were off on tour proper lol. First stop the elephants.

Ron is the one on the right, I know its had to tell as they were both eating the same thing lol.

This afternoon we headed off to the Go Kart track more on that tomorrow when we work out how to get the photos off Ron's camera lol

Friday, September 13, 2013

If I could get my pics from phone to iPad then I would have lots more to say. We spent a great couple of days with Di and Peter which of course meant lots of drinks and plenty of things to catch up on. This morning (at some ridiculous time we boarded out "Airasia X" flight to Kuala Lumper. While we had business seats it was more akin to the front of a QR train lol. lots of leg room but not much else and the meal needed to be seen to be believed, oh well it was cheap lol. I am typing this from the "Plaza Premium Lounge" at KL and it is very much like a goat herders cottage in the Middle Ages lol. I'll spend tomorrow working out why I can't up load pics via the iPad so please hang in there.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

We're off - yes I know that's a very obvious statement but it's true. No pics so far, we have only made it to Brisvagas and no body wants to see that. 

Just a quick aside - the reason I got such a good rate at the Meriton. Apartments is because they are still building the bloody thing lol. Oh well we are only here to sleep And the workers (hard hats and tool belts aaaaaah) are 20 floors above but I will be checking them out on the way past my window lol.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

It's been awhile since I have done an update so that means something memorable has happened recently. We have had a storm, not just any old storm but one of those ones that gets your attention and will remain with you for years to come.

It started last week (Tuesday) when we were notified that a cyclone was forming up north and would wonder down here over the following days, but not to worry because when it hits land it will become just another big low and we will get some rain.

All good so far, we needed rain badly and Ron had been doing his version of a rain dance for weeks so something had to give lol. Wednesday true to form the cyclone (Oswald) formed and hit the coast and started its slow trip south for the summer.

Wednesday the sky darkened and it started. 100ml overnight

Fantastic, no watering required so ok you can turn it down now the pools full, the tanks are overflowing and dam it there are branches coming down making a mess of the yard.

Thursday, looks like yesterday only the wind is stronger, the rain is heavier and god dam there are more and more branches flying around. Enough already, the pool is really overflowing now, the orchids are going to get fungus and Deb (Nursery) will blame me for tooooo much watering.

Hang on that's a tree outside my bedroom and it's napping !!!!! OMG it's gone over hmmmmmmmmm

150ml today and counting - 250 in total

Friday, still raining, very humid and everything in the house is now damp, oh great here comes the mold and we were doing so well this year. Fans going, towels on floors, furniture in from the deck, cant go anywhere as trees are now falling all over the place, starting to get worried - a news update, the roads are closed there is no way in or out of Agnes, we are cut off. Still raining, still windy, getting very scary.

Saturday morning, hang on that's a very large bloodwood gum in our driveway.

It was still upright when I went to bed, dam not only are the roads under water, but I cant even get the car out to go into town - still raining. It's about this time when Ron decides that it's all over and moved on south of us.


my new view, smashed garden, still raining, blowing even harder and then came Saturday night.

Now just so you don't think we are wimps, we don't mind a good storm, lots of Thor and Zeus fighting it out in the heavens, but we do call it quits when things started to get seriously smashed about down here.

Saturday night 12.30am woke to the sound of screaming gales, things crashing, the CRACK, THUD for another tree splitting and collapsing in the yard. At 2am I turned on the aircon in my room to try and muffle the sounds of the gale only to lay in bed watching branches sailing past my windows. My room is 15 ft off the ground. Something is VERY wrong here. Sunday morning the pics tell the story.


Bloodwood Avenue South, well what's left of it.

But all things come to an end and so after 1020ml (3 feet) of rain, gales up to 140kph the sun came back out and off we went to start the task of cleaning up.

The management of Sunrise have risen to the occasion and withing 2 days the roads are clear, the debris is stacked awaiting pick up on Friday and most people are back cleaning up their own patch of paradise. During all this to the best of my knowledge no one was injured, no homes damaged, we were very very lucky.

Bundy, Gladstone, Sunshine Coast, Brisbane and further south have not been so lucky.

PS It is now Tuesday and the roads are still blocked, the supermarkets are running out of food but everyone is pitching in to help - after all that's what communities do.

Amazing pic of the storm arriving at Bundaberg. Pic from the ABC emergency site.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

We have pets

The natives are getting very friendly

As you can see Tiger is a Lace monitor with the most extroadinary patterns on his skin. He has taken to us and our left over pork roasts with a passion and can usually be see laying around on a tree within spotting distance of the kitchen LOL. You can see his table manners are quite good and he has even been know to come up on the veranda demanding seconds.

The other day he invited a friend into the bloc to play hmmmmmmmmm not sure we will encourage this behavious LOL

Both these amazing animals are in excess of 6ft and growing, the block is starting to get crowded LOL.

Friday, March 2, 2012

She's out of our life

Today was a very sad day for our household, it was the first time that the reality of parting with Miss Guided really hit home.

David arrived last Saturday to start the hand over and stayed with us here at Sunrise for the first 3 nights while Miss G was cleaned, charged and taken to the park for a full fitout and to show David how she worked. David then stayed in her for the next two nights down at the park.

Today was the fond fairwell and while we wish David and James as many good times as we had it was the sudden realisation that she no longer will be with us and I must admit it was a hard parting. With tears on both sides we said farewell.

In front of a crowd of curious nomads the offical handing over of the keys took place to polite applause, and then she drove out of our lives.........................................

bye bye and travel safely - amen.