Treebeard was vacationing with us as well, I looked but couldn't find Gandalf, Froddo, Sam Merry or Pippin but I am sure they were close.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
and YES it is sunny. The island is amazing, it's the largest sand island in the world and is home of very diverse flora and fauna not to mention some of the worst roads we have ever seen. The rain forest is now approximate 100 years old as the original was logged to within an inch of its life. The forest is home for 100's a species of birds and lizards.
Monday, March 30, 2009
I know this pic is going to be open to all those "Camp as a row of tents" comments but this was our accommodation for our little trip. Now just to get things in perspective you need to know the make up of our little group. 2 elderly Kiwi's and their very strange 20 something son, an Irish couple on their first overseas trip and lots of fun, two straight girls and another couple. We think the Kiwi son was a tad homophobic but boy had he picked the wrong tour, because as well as the above there were two girls which were obviously an item, two french men that we had doubts about, a couple of guys one from Switzerland and the other from Germany that were definitely an item and us to boot - a homophobic's nightmare LOL. Yes Hans he came from just outside Zurich but as he was about 150 years younger than you, we didn't bother with the question "Do you know" LOL
Well as you can see we are still travelling in the great puddle LOL. We were picked up at 7.30 AM by bus and driven down to the ferry for the 35 minute crossing to the island. What greeted us weather wise was very depressing as the thought of camping out in a tent and BBQ's all in the rain was not appealing but like true troopers off we headed. the shop in the ferry was doing great business selling rain coats but as we already were the "Kiss of death" weather wise a raincoat in our bag would be the last straw LOL.
Luckily by the time we arrived on the island the worst of the storm had blown over to the mainland and we actually got some sunshine. Over the next couple of day I will post pics from the trip.
Friday, March 27, 2009
This old Grand Queenslander is almost enough to make you want to move to Maryborough, I said ALMOST LOL. We arrived at Hervey Bay two day ago and apart from an overnight sprinkle the weather has been great. We are off to Fraser Island tomorrow for a two day tour so I should have some great pics for you when we get back.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Thursday, March 19, 2009
I guess the pic tells the story. We are of course on the Sunshine coast although at the moment we are going through an absolute bucketing outside so maybe this is what they call "Liquid" sunshine as it never rains in Queensland. We have been on the Sunshine Coast for 4 days and we did see the sun on day one.
We moved up to Noosaville today and it looks like a truly great place, even having a good look at the real estate. We both love what we have seen so far so you never know. I'm sure you would all like somewhere up here you could drop into for a holiday LOL.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Pictured above is our little slice of Sunshine Coast Paradise. Nestled in among the palms and 100 meters from the surf - who could ask for anything more? ok we arrived yesterday afternoon, straight off to the supermarket (compulsory weekly fight) to stock up and then back to the park to jump in the pool and cool off. Temp 30, humidity "Wall of water" LOL.
Watching "Top Gear" last night and the pic on the TV started to break up. Now this only happens when someone plants a bloody BIG tree in front of the dish, so we knew it wasn't that, or when the surrounding trees are being blown in from of the dish, no it wasn't that, so it must have been upper atmosphere disturbances. YEP, it was that one, we had the BIGGEST storm we have come across since we started travelling. We lost all of Top Gear and most of Housewives (AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH) so in all, nearly 2 hours of massive rain Storm. From now on I think we should rename this lap "Miss Guided 2 sails again".
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Well the sun is shining and all is well at Surfers. Just thought you might like a recent look at the ever expanding skyline. This look continues along the coast for approximate 20klms south and another couple of klms north. The town certainly has changed since we lived here. Tomorrow is off to the Sunshine coast (yes the oil slick) for a couple of days and then we need to start moving towards Cania Gorge for Easter.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
When your near us, the pillows gone too,
Dam and damnation Hamish took out the jumping pillow at the park - Peace and quiet LOL
We have now been on the Gold Coast for 5 days and this morning the SUN finally came out. We have had a good time here catching up with friends, lunch with Di, then dinner at her place, Lunch with Pearl and today lunch with Joan and Di so almost a full dance ticket LOL. Tomorrow we are sneaking back into Surfers to go to the "Rice Paddy" which is probably the best Vietnamese restaurant we have come across and that includes those in Vietman, then off to the RV and Caravan show at the showgrounds. I have a feeling this could be an expensive day LOL. Monday we head on up the coast to the Sunshine Coast to say hi to Phil who now runs the "Male only" Hideaway resort, so that should be fun. From there we head inland to Cania Gorge for Easter.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Well it's another weekend of "Warriors and Griswells"
After a great stop at Yamba visiting with Helen and Dan, getting a bigger rudder for D'Luded and sailing out to the pub for lunch we moved onto Potsville (just south of the qld border). We arrived on Thursday and the park was lovely and quiet, lots of room and generally populated by nomads or apprentice nomads. The beach is just 200 meters from us with hardly anyone on it - BLISS. Friday in they rolled, we thought we may have insulated ourselves from the worst of the Warriors/Griswells by picking a site that had nomads on each side but they MOVED (was it something we said ???). Friday night I think we got about 3 hours sleep in between screaming and crying from the extended nursery around us. Hopefully today they will pack up and F --- off back where they belong. Gold Coast tomorrow for a week, RV and Van show is on next weekend, we might stick around for that and pick up some new ideas LOL.
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