It's looking like a really nice day the temp is 21 and it's only 8.30am so with luck we might get into the high 20's. We are still treading water here waiting for the school hols to wind down a bit. The park still resembles a kindergarten with bikes, cricket, football and every other sport being played everywhere. There such LOVELY little things. Yesterday we were lucky enough to see whales out at sea breaching. We might just going looking for them again today.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Sunday, September 28, 2008
and they are out all over the place. Over the next couple of days I will post some more photos of the flowers and they really are very impressive. This morning was a casual walk around the cliffs at kalbarri for a couple of hours before returning home to catch the motogp on tele.
The park is still packed to the rafters with rugrats and while most of the kids behave some of the parents leave a lot to be desired. We will be very happy when school hols are over and the parks and roads return to normal. We head off to Geralton on Wednesday and with luck I can get my new glasses organised.
Saturday, September 27, 2008
A Great Victory for Hawthorn
Congratulation to the hawthorn football club for the stunning victory over Geelong.
Ron and I feel that we are going through a religious experience, around us has sprung up a tent city, there is loud wailing at all hours, stone throwing and speaking in foreign tongues. Could this be Mecca ???? Ramadan ? NO, it's school holidays WA style.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Yesterday was the 4 hour peddle up the Murchison river and today is the 8klm hike around the Kalbarri Gorge. The hike was great, the wild flowers are out everywhere and I will post some pics tomorrow. Both of us were totally done in by the time we had finished playing mountain goat, but the wonderful scenery was worth it. Off for Chilli crab and duck tonight - YUM
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Friday, September 19, 2008
After the first unsuccessful attempt to get it out of the water (due to sharks) these two came through unscathed and ready for the pot. The tally for the day was 1 huge pink snapper, 3 black snapper, 1 sweet lips and a little cod. Not only did he catch the most fish for the day, the rest of the people on the trip were threatening to throw him overboard if he caught anymore.
Congratulations Ron
PS. Does anyone want some fish ??? we have stacks, the freezer's full
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Good morning from Shark Bay, WA. We arrived here yesterday to be greeted by rain and storms overnight, oh well it had to happen LOL. This is a World Heritage area so today we are heading off to see the stromalites, dugongs, sharks, rays, cliffs and all assorted heritage things . On the way in we visited Shell Beach and you can see from the pic someone got all carried away.
Monday, September 15, 2008
now if any of you have been around when we set up the sat TV you will know that sometimes it is not as easy as it looks, especially when the bracket at the back is ---p and will not give you enough of an angle to locate that pesky little b----- upstairs. Well I decided to solve the problem and bought him a bigger one. Now he doesn't like the colour - MEN
This pic really sums up the town, it promises so much but just never delivers . This is the pic of the mile long pier which they charge you $2 to walk on, except no-one tells you that there is the slight obstruction two thirds of the way along LOL. We went to the hairdresser this afternoon to get a clipper job sorry we only cut hair in the "Mornings" ??????? then off to the Optometrist to see if I could get a clip-on for my ol' glasses - sorry he left about 10am, don't know when he will be back so the shop is closed ???????? Ah the trusty Book Exchange - wrong, someone sprayed graffiti on the wall so they closed it ?????? The Art Gallery and art supplies ! moved to Geraldton, well so might we.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Here we are in Carnarvon !!!!! Where ??????
Well it's about 1000kms north of Perth and we have just crossed the Tropic of Capricorn so we are heading back into cooler weather (Dam). It's 25 here today and quite pleasant but we both want our 30's back. Carnarvon is a pretty little town, very neat and tidy (the first such town in a long long time). There is a big fishing, scallop, crab industry here so tomorrow we will try to get some for dinner. Most places just freeze it, send it to Syd or Melbourne and then import it back via coles and woolies. (how dumb is that?).
The Hunter Gatherer is still trying to get the first BIG catch and I promise as soon as it happens it will be on the blog and a bottle of champers will be devoured around the BBQ.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
But you have to admit this is one hell of a good beach. Centre of pic and half way between the beach and horizon is where D'luded dumped us, but that has not deterred us, we were back out again yesterday and will go back out this afternoon. This is such a great place that we have extended for another night to fully enjoy everything, but also to give the cracked rib and coral cuts a chance to recover a bit ( You should see Ron's feet, looks like he has been through a meat grinder). Next stop is Carnavon where they have a park just for us seniors and those that like the good quiet life - Rave Bowling might be the highlight of week at this park. Unfortunately we will not be able to give you first hand accounts of the park as we have chosen to stay elsewhere, wheelchair access not a requirement just yet.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH ain't that nice
This was our farewell committee at Exmouth although I must admit the father was getting a touch cranky with me getting close for the pic LOL.
Well after an uneventful trip down the highway we arrived at Coral bay and it is just stunning. We managed to score a site really close to the beach so all we had to do was get D'Luded off the top of RT and wheel her down to the beach. That said, the only down side of the site is we don't have power, but we have 5 bars of internet signal, lets hope the battery lasts LOL.
Off we headed into the most beautiful clear water with one of the worlds great reefs underneath, oh this is going to be fun. We sailed out about half way into the bay where the reef is quite shallow and we could lean over the side with goggles on and watch as we cruised by - bliss. SPLASH - hit by a rogue wave side-on, capsized, all hands in the water, shoes floating away, specs gone, fins drifting into the wide blue yonder and his "Blue" crocs gone, not even time for an SOS let alone a quartet playing "Nearer my God to Thee". How embarrassing, and the glass bottom boat had just gone past so they would have had a good laugh. With what was left of our dignity we managed to recover the fins and goggles but sandals, glasses, crocs are forever in the possession of Neptune. LOL It's still a great place, back out again tomorrow.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
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